
School history

V. K. Greer Memorial Public School (VKG) is named after Dr. Vanamber Kenneth Greer who was the chief inspector of public and separate schools in 1925 and was the superintendent of elementary education for the province of Ontario. He was known for his untiring efforts and vision to improve school standards in Ontario. Dr. Greer died on November 11, 1945.

Today we are a K-8 school on 97 acres of land where students learn in the classroom and outdoors.

School motto

A great place for kids to grow. #viperway

School mission

Our mission is to provide students the opportunity to learn and develop as individuals in a safe and secure environment with equitable learning opportunities that will support them throughout their lives. Students will strive to do their best in all of their endeavours.

Core beliefs

  • All students have strengths
  • All students can learn
  • All students want to succeed
  • Home and school need to be partners in education
  • A safe and caring learning community is required for maximum learning
  • Learning occurs beyond the classroom
  • Students need opportunities to study academics, athletics, arts, and the natural environment
  • Students need to share and celebrate their work with authentic audiences, such as parents and community members

Dress code

VKG is a public institution and we encourage students, staff, parents/guardians, and visitors to dress within the expectations of our community standards.

Learning the fundamentals of proper dress at an early age will provide students with a valuable lifestyle habit. Dressing appropriately for a variety of situations shows that a student has a high degree of self-respect and respect for others.

Further to the dress code, students are expected to come to school prepared for all weather conditions (i.e., appropriate warm weather gear in winter and appropriate water resistant/waterproof gear on rainy days). Students are expected to go outside for recess on a daily basis, unless the weather is such that it would be unsafe to do so.

Also, students are expected to have proper indoor footwear at all times. This means that students should have a pair of indoor shoes to wear in winter and proper athletic shoes to wear during in the gym and during other physical activities.

School arrival and departure procedures

Please note the following procedures for students arriving by bus, car, bicycle or walking:


All students are asked to wait in the appropriate school yard until the entry bell rings at 8:50 a.m. Yard supervision begins at 8:35 a.m, therefore, students should not be dropped off before this time. No students should be inside the school in advance of the entry bell.

  • Bus – students disembark from their school bus as soon as it arrives in the school yard. Students will wait in the appropriate school yard for the entry bell to ring.
  • Car – students who are being dropped off by car are asked to do so in the parking lot and then proceed carefully over to the school yard.
  • Walkers and bike riders – students riding their bikes should park their bike in the bike rack upon arrival and then proceed to the appropriate school yard.


Students will be dismissed from class in an orderly fashion according to announcements. Students should carefully load buses as they are called. Buses will leave when all students have loaded. Walkers and students riding bicycles will be dismissed after all students on buses are dismissed. Walkers and students riding bicycles are expected to wait in the school yard until all buses have left the driveway before heading for home.

Note: Any student walking or riding their bicycle home who regularly takes the school bus is required to bring a note signed by their parents to the office each day.

Bike helmets are mandatory

All students who ride their bike or skateboards to school must wear a helmet. Any student who arrives at school without a helmet will not be permitted to ride home until they have one.

Healthy snack program

The School Council provides a healthy snack to every classroom every school day!

The purpose of the program is to educate our students about making healthy choices through creating a “culture of nutrition” in the school. Funding for this program comes from grants from the North Bay Association for Community Living nutrition program, Trillium Lakelands District School Board, and from individual donations (contact the school office to arrange).

Volunteers are the heart of this program! Just 12-18 people are needed each year, shifts are 30-40 minutes each, and fruit is pre-cut and ready to tray. Please consider taking a turn with:

  • Afternoon – kitchen clean-up and snack prep (weekdays, anytime between noon and 10 p.m.)
  • Morning – snack prep/delivery to classrooms (ideally by 8:45 a.m. each school morning)
  • Shopping for groceries one to two times/week (as needed to keep stocked)

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School calendar

Safe @ School

Report form


School registration


Transportation info.

V.K. Greer Memorial Public School

130 Muskoka Road 10, RR 3, Utterson, ON P0B 1M0

Contact Us

School Schedule
Entry to school
8:50 a.m.
Block 1
8:50 – 10:30 a.m.
10:30 – 10:50 a.m.
Nutrition break
10:50 – 11:10 a.m.
Block 2
11:10 a.m. – 1:10 p.m.
1:10 – 1:30 p.m.
Nutrition break
1:30 – 1:50 p.m.
Block 3
1:50 – 3:10 p.m.
3:10 p.m.

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